All in the family

Great story from agent Tina Arant in Florida.
One recent lead turned into 3 listings: herself, sister, and parents.
Not a bad way to start 2006!
Subject: Success story Success in the first month...
My first month with HouseValues I recieved my three leads...I did my coaching call and learned to do a quick CMA on the Market Leader system. As I followed up with the post-CMA e-mail and made several attempts to talk one on one with the interested parties, I got a little discouraged with answering machines. I noticed that one of the prospects had not viewed the CMA yet.
So, I phoned and left a message for her that it was ready and she could view it in her e-mail. I always end with "If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or e-mail me." I got a call from the prospect the next day. She lives on the same street as her sister and her parents are on the same block too. They are all looking to sell their homes and move out of state to a large ranch. I just listed all THREE homes this week!!!
Thank you for kicking off my 2006 year of business!!!
Tina M. Arant
Watson Realty Corp.
Palatka, Florida
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