Selling More Homes in a Slowing Market

Check out the column here.
Take control of your real estate business. Be in control of YOUR success!
Some of you know I'm a big fan of the Duct Tape Marketing blog.
A good friend of mine once told me that any good presentation should have no more than 16 words on each slide. The goal, he says, is to very succinctly summarize your core points with words on a page (or on a screen), and use the spoken word to paint a more compelling picture of your primary points.
If you aren’t yet a Real Estate Professional subscriber, you don’t know what you’re missing. It’s an established magazine for real estate agents and brokers, and a very well-done print magazine. Every other month, it’s chock full of useful advice, best practices and profiles both of successful real estate professionals as well as business services that are making Realtors successful nationwide.
I've heard many agents recently talk about how buyer leads are more valuable right now than listing leads. In a slower market, I can understand why that might look attractive. But by ignoring sellers, you might be walking away from a lot of money.
In baseball, a good lifetime batter FAILS 70% of the time.
Several months ago (February, in fact), I wrote a column for Realty Times that addressed several strategies any agent can take to plan for a more successful 2006. In that column I offered a free business plan to anyone who would email me directly and ask for one.
Here's a great post by Dirk Zeller on the RealBlogging site, all about taking action on things you think about.
I'm always looking for shortcuts, especially when they help me do things faster without impacting the quality of what I'm working on.
The majority of homeowners assume that virtually any home improvement or renovation project is going to add value to their home. But savvy Agent CEOs know that's not true.