Over $60K from 35 leads
Here’s a HouseValues customer that started with a very low number of leads. His results are great based on getting 35 total leads in his first 10 months.
Joe has 1 listing from HouseValues leads and 5 purchase transactions from 1 lead, and just got a $1.2 million dollar deal from one of his own prospects that he put on the drip campaign (this is why he got the listing).
Joe was not an overnight success with HouseValues. And he still has work to do to continue to be successful. But, he’s a good story of someone using the system, staying consistent, and having it pay off. All in all, good money for him.
From: Joe Bunch
Joined: 3 Feb 2005
From: Inland Empire, Southern Calif
Posted: 12 Dec 2005
Post subject: My almost a year experience with HV
I started with HouseValues in Feb of 2005. Here are statistics: 35 Leads Received 1 Closed HV listing (double ended) 2 Possibles (1 decided to rent out and and the other went with the neighborhood realtor) 5 Purchases @ between $455,000 and $557,500. This is an investor who was impressed with my assertiveness. These 5 purchases will all be listings in 2006 for between $600,000 to $725,000. And the proceeeds from those listings will be used to purchase additional property.
This year I have made in excess of $60,000 from just the leads above. So, you can say that I have been very happy with HV. I have finished putting all my existing clients into Market Leader. One of those clients gave me a listing and a purchase that totaled $1.2 million in production. He did it, so he told me, because of the email campaign from Market Leader.
Joe Bunch
Century 21 King Realtors
"Selling Bunches of Homes in Your Neighborhood!"
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