Friday, December 09, 2005

No other system provides better service

Great story from HouseValues subscriber Dan Volker, as told to his HouseValues Coach Val Plunkett:

- Lead was archived and had unsubscribed
- Must be a bad lead, right? WRONG
- 1 ½ hours of showing homes and $18K in commission.
- Pretty good for a bad lead… :>)

From: Val Plunkett
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Subject: WOW! Success for Dan Volker

Aloha everybody! I just got off the phone with Dan Volker and he is doing great. He just had a deal worth $18,000 in commissions. It was a lead that had been archived in his Market Leader database and had unsubscribed to everything but the eMLS search. He ended up getting an email from the prospect a few months later requesting to look at some of the listings he had sent out.

Long story short…he only showed two houses and spent 1.5 hours with them before they had a deal. His client works for a local Chicago radio station “The Mix” and he is excited about the referrals that he will receive in the future from this deal. He also has another deal in the pipeline that will be turning later next fall.

Dan has been in the real estate business for 20 yrs, and he feels there is no other system that provides better service than HouseValues. It allows him to treat all leads the same, widen his funnel, and capture business months/years down the road that he would never be able to stay in touch with on his own. Here is an example of how success is long-term and agents should never give up on a lead. The best thing is they can use the automated systems to do a lot of the work for them.

Have a great day,

Valerio Plunkett
HVU Coach